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A message from your board


Although the last two years have been challenging for all of us, we are always thinking of way to improve your beach going experience here at North Shore Beach! We will be maintaining the many amenities offered and continue to attend to renovations to our parking lots, beaches and roads. We hope you join us and get involved in our efforts and have some fun while you're at it!





MaryAnne Metzak, President (2023-2025)

Gina Carpenter, Vice President (2023-2025)

Carol Jarski, Treasurer (2023-2025)

Michael Gorton, Jr., Secretary (2023-2025)



Sean Ogonowski (2027)

Stephen Rosario (2026)

Vin Cipolla (2026)
Laurie Morrow (2026)
Sandy Hooker (2025)

Robin Page (2025)

Bob Leonard (2025)






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